Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Short Video

We had a very productive weekend of filming Dinosaur World.   We had a great time and despite some poor weather were able to complete about 5 scenes. As promised, I took some time and cut together a little video. 
In this video you'll be treated to Aaron Tinnin, my lead actor, discussing his obsession with Ghostbusters era Sigourney Weaver and various between take hi-jinx and still photos.  I must apologize to my sound guy Ross though as he was too busy working to get in front of the camera so I couldn't find any still photos or video to put in here, sorry Ross.  Also I want to say thanks to Eddie Riebel sacrificing a Sunday morning to wear a cop uniform which, lets face it, was way too tight. 

We've got just one more weekend of principal photography left on our feature and then will likely be working on post for many months. I'll continue to post updates as often as possible. If you stumble on this movie blog and are entertained please pass the link along to your friends. Low budget movies need all the free advertising they can get! 


  1. I'VE GOT MY EYE ON YOU GUYS! :) from holly

  2. I've been talking to some people. Looks like Dinosaur World is going to be big. Reeeeeallllll BIG!!!!!!!!

  3. I think this project looks like it will surpass all my expectations. Keep up the good work!
