The Dinosaur World movie blog should have began months ago when we began the pre-production process. However, making independent films with such a small cast and crew means several people wear several different hats. That is to say, we don't have a marketing department, or an advertising firm to help promote the film. As the writer and director and, for all intensive purposes, "producer"of Dinosaur World the responsibility of a production blog really falls upon me. Since I have a day job, a family, and a film to make I have not had time (or should I say I have not MADE time?) to begin the in depth and possibly shameless process of Internet self promotion.
The point of that explanation is to say that the film has been shooting now for two months and the "principal photography" process is nearing completion. Explanations and/or understanding of high-faluten film terms like "pre-production" and "principal photography" can be found by referencing your own DVD library and listening to commentary tracks from more established and well funded film makers. We began shooting Dinosaur World the weekend after July 4Th 2009 and we hope to be finished by the end of September. Of course that is only the end of one journey and the beginning of another. While we may complete shooting relatively soon, there is still editing, soundtrack, ADR work and a host of other obstacles that lie ahead. So I'm sure there will be plenty to blog about in the months ahead for anyone that is interested in reading more about a group of no names making a movie in small town America.
I promise for future blogs I will attempt to add more information, pictures, video clips, trailers and funny anecdotes that you can carry with you to the office and relay to your highly interested co-workers around the water cooler. Oh the laughs and fun you will have reliving every aspect of the Dinosaur World movie blog on a daily basis. You are certain to laugh and laugh... even when you're by yourself.
Next post I hope to entertain all who care to read with brief profiles of our dedicated cast and crew. Perhaps these brief profiles will be accompanied by embarrassing photo's, tell all videos, or behind the scenes hi jinx! If you are truly fortunate perhaps even a synopsis of the film itself will find its way to this blog. I'm sure anyone still reading is on the edge of his or her seat, or even on pins and needles. Even now I can picture the faces of befuddled readers, scratching their heads and pondering "Is this movie about a world populated by only Dinosaurs?" Only time will tell. Keep an eye on this space.
don't lie, you're just lazy and that's why this blog didn't start when it should have